About us

The EcoHub Foundation for Sustainable Development and Active Citizenship aims to foster active citizenship, democratic governance and sustainable development in Armenia by empowering youth who live in the regions of Armenia and have limited access to such opportunities. 

Who We Are

EcoHub is driven by youth, all of whom were previously participants of EcoHub’s programs, including the current management team, consisting of three permanent staff members, supported by nine others on volunteer and contract basis.

EcoHub’s facilitators have all been trained and supported by learning supervision of experienced non-formal education experts of Theodor Heuss Kolleg, thus adhering to the quality standards of the EU youth trainer curricula.

EcoHub’s staff and volunteers believe in its mission and shared values of democratic principles, inclusion, gender mainstreaming, and diversity, and are proud to say that the foundation itself is an example of how teamwork, dedication, and youth participation in all levels can lead to success.

Our Vision

Sustainable, equitable and fair Armenia where citizens are actively engaged in their communities.

Our Mission

EcoHub strives for positive social transformation that can be achieved through supporting youth empowerment and participation in democratic governance and active citizenship ultimately creating sustainable and equitable communities.


Watching the video, please, consider that starting from April 2020 we operate as EcoHub Foundation.

What We Do

Against the backdrop of low civic participation and unsustainable environmental practices, EcoHub’s projects build the capacity of youth to work toward a shared vision of a democratic, peaceful and sustainable Armenia. Through youth empowerment and capacity development EcoHub supports young people to have collective power of impacting the decision-making processes in the country and building a better tomorrow for themselves and their communities.

EcoHub’s main program areas are Re.Action, focused on empowering youth through non-formal peer training in citizenship and sustainable development education and the Boo Alternative House – EcoHub’s social enterprise, which is a sustainable and eco-friendly training space, community center and tourist attraction located in the Lori region. We have also created publications, including handbooks on Education for Sustainable Development and Active Citizenship and Social Entrepreneurship for CSOs. In addition, EcoHub is carrying out programs which aim at preserving the Vanadzor Canyon and developing sustainable tourism in the Lori region.

Our Partners and Supporters