About us

The EcoHub Foundation for Sustainable Development and Active Citizenship aims to foster active citizenship, democratic governance and sustainable development in Armenia by empowering youth who live in the regions of Armenia and have limited access to such opportunities.  ...

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Sustainable Development

Our training courses and seminars are based on the principles of sustainable development.

Active Citizenship

We promote active citizenship and youth participation.

Community Development

The participants of our projects receive small grants and professional support for carrying out community initiatives.

Alternative Spaces

We give new life to abandoned spaces and redesign them in participatory, sustainable and creative ways.

35+Training courses






Environment and Civil Involvement (2014)

This handbook introduces to the idea of sustainable development and the issues which Armenia faces related to sustainability. It also includes EcoHub's training curriculum on sustainable development education, as well as a list of useful resources on the topic.

Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg publications

This website offers a collection of publications by EcoHub's partners at Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg network. The publications available on this website cover a wide variety of topics related to non-formal education. They will be of particular interest to non-formal education trainers and facilitators.

Social Entrepreneurhsip Guidebook for CSO (2018)

This booklet presents a brief introduction to social entrepreneurship, its advantages and disadvantages, possible business models, as well as issues of risk management, financing, etc. The booklet is available in English only.

Assessing Civic and Political Participation of Youth in Armenia (2019)

This research paper studies the perceptions of the Armenian youth about their roles in their communities and about the roles they play in the processes of democratic and participatory decision making at national and community levels.